The project focused on the creation of a robust customer relationship management (CRM) system that
event planners could use to manage interactions with attendees, speakers, exhibitors, sponsors and
I began discovery by meeting with Lanyon's RegOnline product team. The team included
engineers, business analysts, subject matter experts and a product manager, as well as a UX
strategist and Lanyon's CTO. I extracted information about Lanyon's business objectives, the
state of the project, and the problems that led to the need for a new system. Through these
discussions I also gained an understanding of the company's working process. I focused on design,
development and methodology.
Next, ethnographic and contextual interviews revealed that event planners were using multiple
Lanyon products and external desktop applications to perform CRM tasks. They were frustrated by
complex and awkward workflows, and sought work-arounds to alleviate the pain points they
encountered. These interviews revealed the shortcomings of the existing workflow and gave me
insight into potential solutions early on.
I noted was that there were multiple event planner user-types, each with different goals and
different ways of engaging with customers. This meant that requirements for one type of event
planner were not necessarily the same as for another. The solution would need to cover all types.
One of the most important findings was that event planners were having difficulty performing even
the most basic relationship management tasks. For example, to import event attendees, event
planners had to export a filtered list from Salesforce, bring it into Excel and delete the fields
that would not import into Lanyon's system. They then imported the Excel file into RegOnline, and
manually reviewed each record to merge or delete duplicates.