Silk Soymilk: Virtual House

Silk Soymilk was running a sweepstakes to coincide with Earth Day. They gave us a little over a week to concept, design, develop and launch a browser-based 3D virtual house that users could directly interact with to learn how to conserve energy and resources.

To save design and development time, we used stock 3D models, which we then reworked to fit into the virtual environment. We launched the browser-based virtual house with several days to spare.


Silk Soymilk Virtual Green House Game


White Wave Foods


Me Plus You


Game strategy, game design, interactive direction (creative, technical, user experience), technical architect

Silk Soymilk: Virtual Green House - neighborhood view Silk Soymilk: Virtual Green House - front yard Silk Soymilk: Virtual Green House - living room Silk Soymilk: Virtual Green House - living room windows Silk Soymilk: Virtual Green House - kitchen Silk Soymilk: Virtual Green House - status modal window